Magnolia Kay Parris, also known as Southern Magnolia, is renowned for its glossy, dark green leaves and its big, fragrant, creamy-white flowers that adorn the landscape throughout the summer and early fall. This tree features a dense canopy of glossy green leaves, their contrasting undersides adding visual interest. In the summer, it graces your space with large, creamy flowers, making it an ideal choice for both modern and classic garden designs.
Product Specifications
- Common Name: Southern Magnolia
- Botanical Name: Magnolia Grandiflora Kay Parris
- Mature Height: 4 meters tall
- Mature Width: 2-3 meters
- Spacing: 1 meter apart for screening hedge
- Flowering Period: Radiant blooms from late Autumn – early Spring
- Form/Habit: Upright, oval
- Position: Full sun, semi-shade
- Soil Type: Loam, Sandy, Well Drained
- Maintenance Level: Low – medium, will benefit from a gentle prune
- Planter Suitability: Yes, ensure adequate room for growth
Commonly Asked Questions
How far apart do I plant Kay Parris for a screening hedge?
When planting Magnolia grandiflora ‘Kay Parris’ for a hedge or screen, spacing is important to achieve proper coverage while allowing each plant to develop fully. Generally, aim to space these magnolias around 1 – 1.5m apart if you’re looking to create a solid and continuous screen.
Keep in mind the ultimate width and growth habit of the Kay Parris magnolia when determining spacing. Also, providing ample space between each plant ensures they have enough room to grow and receive adequate sunlight and airflow, promoting healthy development.
When does Kay Parris flower?
The ‘Kay Parris’ magnolia, a hybrid of Magnolia grandiflora, typically blooms in late spring to early summer, usually around May to June in many regions. Its large, creamy-white flowers are quite showy and emit a pleasant fragrance. The exact timing of flowering can vary slightly based on local climate conditions and the specific growing environment.
How do I keep my Kay Parris looking healthy?
Ensure Kay Parris is well watered, especially during the warmer months. A layer of mulch will help retain the moisture in the soil. A quality fertiliser will also increase the health of your plant.